Open Mind Night is about everything mental health and mental illness related. My hope is to increase the discussion and dialogue about these topics in an authentic and candid way with individuals who live with it, organizations and educational programs who service it, professionals who treat it, and researchers who study it. Open Mind Night Podcast Families and Addiction with Kevin Petersen, LMFT - Open Mind Night


Families and Addiction with Kevin Petersen, LMFT

Joining me on this episode is my guest Kevin Petersen. Kevin graduated with a master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Regis University, and he spent three and a half years working at Arapahoe Douglas Mental Health Network as an in-home therapist, case manager, crisis evaluator and outpatient therapist for Child and Family Services. Kevin has also worked part-time for The Bridge House, ADMHN's Acute Treatment Unit, as a Mental Health Technician and Counselor.

In 2014, Kevin opened his private practice, Petersen Family Counseling and has since published two books: Chronic Hope: Parenting the Addicted Child and Chronic Hope: Families & Addiction, which share an integrated, holistic approach to healing families in crisis due to addiction and codependency.

Kevin established The Chronic Hope Institute in 2020 with a mission to increase education on addiction and its impact on the family system

On this episode:

  • Kevin shares his personal journey with addiction and how it led to his work with families and addiction
  • What it looks like for a family to address their own wound
  • The importance of the family unit addressing addiction and what it looks like
  • How the family can help
  • First steps that families can take if someone is struggling with addiction

The Chronic Hope Institute:





Listen the interview with Kevin about his book Chronic Hope: Families and Addiction:

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To find out more about the host, Robyn Tamanaha, go here:

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DISCLAIMER: This podcast is not psychotherapy or counseling. If you need to speak with a professional, you should find one local to you and contact them directly. IF THIS IS AN EMERGENCY, PLEASE CALL YOUR LOCAL EMERGENCY NUMBER OR GO TO YOUR NEAREST EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT

About the Podcast

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Open Mind Night

About your host

Profile picture for Robyn Tamanaha

Robyn Tamanaha

In addition to being the creator and host, Robyn Tamanaha is also a licensed therapist. She uses her knowledge and experience in mental health and mental illness to increase the discussion and dialogue about these topics on media platforms.